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Judicial Officers Vote for Industrial Action
Hon. Kahinda Otafiire, Minister of Justice and Constitutional Affairs

A 185:1 vote in support for the improved welfare for judicial officers climaxed today's Ugandan Judicial Officers Association (UJOA) Extra Ordinary Annual General Meeting at the Judiciary headquarters in Kampala. 

The Judicial Officers resoundingly voted to lay down their tools should the government fail to address their welfare concerns, as detailed in a memorandum, within 30 days.

UJOA President, HW Godfrey Kaweesa said after the vote that the Association executive will on Monday serve the Hon. Prime Minister, Speaker of Parliament, Chief Justice and Justice Minister, among others, with a UJOA AGM resolution.

HW Kaweesa said the 30-day ultimatum starts running on Monday July 24 when they serve the relevant authorities of government. "The deadline for government to act is on August 23,2017," he said.

The Judicial Officers voted that government responds to their memorandum in writing with clear commitments on the five welfare demands of salary increment, transport to enhance land justice, medical insurance, housing and security.

The Minister of Justice and Constitutional Affairs, Maj. Gen. Kahinda Otafiire(Rtd), had earlier on told the judicial officers that there are competing priorities whenever he presents their welfare issues to government like dam and roads construction.  Hon. Otafiire asked judicial officers to be patient as he negotiates on their behalf.

The Chief Justice, Hon. Justice Bart M. Katureebe, in a speech read by the Principal Judge, cited three ground rules that they should follow as they deliberate on welfare issues.

  1. The first ground rule was that in order to achieve these demands, "we need the good will not only for Parliament but from the legal fraternity, the media and other relevant government authorities." 
  2. The second ground rule that the CJ put across was taking reasonable steps in advancing their cause and also do follow up on the earlier promised.
  3. The third ground rule is that as they push for this cause, disciple should be observed and that as arbitrators, they should follow the established law.

President of Uganda Law Society, Mr. Francis Gimara said he is 100 per cent behind this cause for effective justice dispensation in the country.

He also called for equal treatment of the three arms of government and not to marginalize the Judiciary and reduce it to a begging arm.

The ULS president also decried the ever reducing budget allocation to the Judiciary. The Judiciary used to get about 0.6 per cent of the total budget but in this financial year, it was cut further to 0.4 per cent.

"The budget of the Judiciary should be planned by the Judiciary itself. The budget has been reducing for the last three years. Half of the Judiciary problems will be solved if their pay is enhanced," Mr. Gimara said.

The EOAGM was held under the theme : "Promoting of Strategies for Enhancing Judicial Independence and Performance".

Posted 24th, July 2017
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